This fall I was able to purchase 100lbs of Cabernet Franc grapes from
Willowcroft Farm Vineyard in Leesburg, VA, and I'm trying to make wine from fresh grapes. It is a
lot more work than the kit, but it is also a lot more fun.
I brought home the crushed grapes on 10/16/03, here are some pictures of the
status so far:
10/16/03 - Here is the must right after I brought in home. 100lbs of grapes that were destemmed and crushed for me at Willowcroft. |
I put the must into a big Rubbermaid container, and added a small dose of meta to get it ready for my yeast. |
I stirred the must, and waited while my yeast starter (in the glass pitcher) became active. |
Close-up view of the yeast starter, beginning to foam up. |
Fermentation just starting. |
I punched down the cap three times each day while fermentation was going on. |
10/20/03 - Just four days later, primary fermentation has slowed down to almost a standstill. Brix measuer at ~1, so it's time to press! |
My lovely assistant, Anna, prepares to hold the bag for me as I dip out the skins & juice. |
That's me, the bald guy, getting ready to press by hand using a mesh bag. |
Slow, tiring process, and yes, I did wash my hands and everything else before getting started... |
Filling the fermentation bucket with wine, the skins go in the black bucket and out to the composter. |
Pouring off the pressed wine into a clean carboy for secondary fermentation. |
My hands had purple stains for days. |
Tasting some very young wine. Acids were still harsh, but the fruit showed a lot of promise. |
Stiring in the malolactic culture. This will soften the wine and lower total acidity. |
Secondary fermentation started. Look at that great color! |
10/26/03 - Using paper chromatography to check the progess of malolactic fermentation. Shows little or no malic acid left. |
11/17/03 - No more activity, first racking. Racking the wine off of the lees and into clean carboys for aging. |
My assistant preparing a cheesecloth bag to hold oak chips. |
In the barrel! One carboy has the bag of chips, the other has some oak chips just poured in. I'm curious to see how they do! |